Our Exams

Never a Rush. Always Thorough.

The Total Eye Exam

Your eye exam is a critical part of your visit to Independent Optical and we do some things you won’t typically find elsewhere. While all eye examinations are required to comply with minimum procedures set forth by the State, we believe your eye exam should include some additional procedures that provide higher levels of detection or in some cases far earlier detection of both ocular and other diseases. There are no two ways about it- early detection an early treatment results in saved eyesight. We include several services in our standard eye exam that accomplish this task, and we do not charge additionally for them. As you read on below, you’ll learn why these extra steps are so important and why we feel so strongly about including them in your examination.

Eye Diseases

Many folks feel that an eye exam is just a necessary step towards new glasses or a clearer, more comfortable contact lens experience. But by far, the most important part of your exam are the procedures that can identify ocular diseases or damage. Many eye diseases are progressive in nature and the vast majority are irreversible. Advanced, early detection of issues and proper treatment are the only ways to prevent additional or total loss of sight. Like many diseases, by the time you notice, the damage is done. So the earlier we can find issues and begin treatment Our first priority is for you to enjoy a lifetime of eyesight. This is why we do eye exams in the fashion that we do. Because, we believe in “extra”.

Beyond Mapping

Many doctor’s offices have begun offering retinal photography, sometimes termed mapping, in the last few years. And while retinal imaging is beneficial, it falls short in a number of areas. In our office we use the TOPCON Maestro. An Optical Coherence Tomographer (OCT) and digital imagery suite, the Maestro goes far beyond capturing a photo of your retina. In a fashion as a CAT/CT scan of an internal organ, the OCT looks into the tissues of the eye’s structure, providing a 3D image of the retina, macula and optic nerve. This is the gold standard of advanced detection of optical diseases, yet takes but a couple quick minutes to accomplish. You look at a lighted dot, the device automatically focuses and in an instant, it’s done. Using this technology, we can spot issues ranging from glaucoma, macular degeneration and dozens of others as well as systemic diseases such as diabetic and blood pressure issues. Additionally, these images are archived for future comparison during your visits. Be aware: No imaging is a substitute for an exam that includes dilation. No mapping or imaging equipment manufacturer makes claim that their equipment supplants the need for this procedure. It is part of the state’s requirement of a comprehensive exam and no existing standard of practice accepts imaging as a substitute.

Trial Frame Refraction

As our final step, refraction is the process of comparatively using a series of lenses to identify your correct prescription. In our office we establish your baseline prescription with a device called a Phoropter. And while other offices may look to automate and speed up this procedure, we believe that taking our time and refining your prescription is far more important. Once your prescription is determined, we load a series of lenses into a device called a Trial Frame for a secondary confirmation and fine-tuning. And while it might look like a prop from a 60’s Sci-Fi movie, it gives the patient a true, real-world look at what their prescription will be like in a pair of glasses. Even though this step is definitely more labor-intensive, it results in a perfectly tuned prescription that is more accurate and comfortable in the real world. We believe in eyewear that is expertly crafted from the best materials and with superior attention to detail. And we believe your eye exam should meet that same standard.

• CALL US at 843.936.1616 and we will find you a time that fits your needs.

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